
The ten year study course offered at SHIC is divided into four levels: five year course in secondary level, two year course in senior secondary level and three year course in degree level. The syllabus contains all relevant Islamic and modern subjects like Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Tafsir, Tasawwuf, Nahw, Aqidah, Mantiq, Islamic history, Arabic literature, Rhetoric and prosody, Translation and Composition, History, Science and Technology, Mathematics, social sciences, Computer and Information Technology and etc. Enough attention is paid to make the students well acquainted with four languages, namely Arabic, English, Urdu and Malayalam. SHIC curriculum makes mandatory for every undergraduate student to pursue an official degree course in any of the Arts or Humanities subjects utilizing the open degree system offered by many universities.
After the successful completion of the whole ten years, students would be promoted for Post Graduate study in different areas of Islamic theology at Darul Huda Islamic University where they would be eligible to pursue two years long specialised research study in any of the following disciplines: Quran and Related Studies, Hadith and Related Sciences, Fiqh and its Fundamentals, Aqeeda and Philosophy, and Da'wa and Comparative Religion